What's New Started this page to keep everyone abreast of what is going on with the book since it's inception and acceptance by Publish America for publishing in print.

3/12/04Release Time!! Release date is set for April 28th!! You can pre-order your copy at the the Barnes and Noble website.

2/10/04 Cover is finally done!! Check it out here on my reviews page. I have also posted my first Official Review of the book!

10/22---Spoke with Publisher today. I should be getting the final proofs and cover design back for review within a few weeks. After I approve them and send them back... it will only be a few weeks before the books is scheduled for release. Once I send them back I can start taking pre-release orders or direct you to the right place.

10/17---Been a while since I updated! Sorry! I have added some small photos alongside the characters. These are current actors I would like to see play the characters. The only ones I'm really sure about are Rynn and Alexandra, and more than likely Rorta and Valene. Michael Ironsides just does too good of a bad guy to pass up. And Anne Archer is cool and elegant... and still pretty hot!! Just remember they have nothing to do with the book or this website.

8/7-----Was informed by my Publisher today that in order to pre-order Arcturian Star there would have to be a big enough demand. Please go to my Yahoo Groups page, join the group and complete the poll in the polls section. If enough people want to buy the story, then I will begin accepting pre-orders! Thanks!

8/4-----Posted an excerpt to my new story on my Other Projects page. Check it out!

7/31----Posted an excerpt to Book Two of Arcturian Star at my Yahoo Groups page. Check it out!

7/28----Check out my Other Projects page for info on my new story!

7/24----Posted another Testimonial today. Can't believe I'm still getting these, but it inspires me to continue writing!

7/24----Have begun work on another story that is separate from Arcturian Star and with all new characters. Will post an excerpt from that as soon as I have developed the characters a bit more.

7/24----Done moving and have picked up again with Book Two. Will be posting an excerpt in my Yahoo Group within a few days.

7/3-----Submitted final manuscript for Editor review

7/2-----Started a characters page to give a little info about the characters in the book

6/30----Returned signed contract for Publish America.

6/18----Story is accepted by Publish America for print.